Friday, September 21, 2012

Am I Naïve to think…

Am I naïve to think that politicians can work together for the betterment of this or any country?  That they can put aside their petty differences, not taking money from PACs or Super PACs, but listen to the people that elected them?  To do what’s best for the good of all and not support the greed of the few?

Am I naïve to think that people with different religious beliefs (be they Christian, Muslim, Judaism, Buddhist, Hindus, Atheist, Agnostics, Humanist, and any other “ism” or “ist”) accept that not everyone shares the same beliefs, but that by no means makes them evil, vile, ignorant, and just plain “bad” people?  That people with different beliefs will accept one another and perhaps work together for the betterment of society instead working against each other? 

Am I naïve to think that people will one day not judge other groups, whether political, religious, or whatever label is placed on that group, based upon the actions of a few “extremist” claiming membership in that group?  That people will “judge” individuals based upon their actions regardless of what group they claim membership?  That the groups who are damaged by extremists do something to set themselves apart from these individuals?

Am I naïve to think that one day people will not be judged based upon their political affiliations, choice of religion or lack thereof, their socioeconomic status, by whom they love and want to marry, or by their ethnicity?  That we can have mature, open debate without resorting to name-calling?  If you don’t agree with someone’s beliefs fine, but to lower yourself to profane name-calling does nothing to support your position.  If anything, you place yourself on the same level with the people who disrespectfully disagree with you.  We can disagree with other’s opinions--that’s the basis of free speech--but can’t we do so with dignity, respect and some sense of decorum?

So, am I naïve?  Yes, yes, I think I am.  But I dream of a future where I can look back on this time in our history and say, that’s how things used to be….

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